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“Branding” is the buzz word of the new century. You can’t find a communication agency that does not list “branding” as one of the services they offer. What exactly is branding? Do you feel that an outside agency can effectively provide a professional “branding” service? While I’m still trying to find an answer to this … Continue reading

Scaling things

This is the next BIG thing. But all big things start as small things. Rushing to scale things is not a good idea. Start small and scale as needed.

The herd

The median intelligence level of a herd is lower than the intelligence level of individuals. 

Great marketing…

…makes a bad product fail faster.  

Great marketing…

…makes a bad product fail faster.  

Here’s another friday discovery

Humans do not change. Technology changes. Humans do not care about technology, they’re too busy being Human. Do you remember Polaroid SX70? Most people don’t and we should not care either. At some point in time, TVs did not have remote control. But we still watch the Flintstones. If you wonder about what the next … Continue reading

Friday the 13th

Will it be your lucky day?

Everybody lies

I want a Submariner Rolex. I want a carbon fiber bike. I want a Porsche Cayenne. I do not dive; I do not race bikes; I do not drive offroad or very far from home.

Crisis? What crisis?

Remember the Audi “self accelaration” crisis? The Toyota “faulty brakes” crisis? The “Ford explorer exploding tires” crisis? The tainted “Tylanol” crisis? These days, crisis are the norm and people – especially in social networks – judge a company by the way they deal with a crisis. With the proper communication skills, a crisis can even … Continue reading

Is function a buying factor?

Is function a buying factor?.